Our Ministries
Sunday School
Sunday 9:15-10:30am
Creating for our children a solid base of understanding the life of Jesus! Our Sunday school children enjoy Sunday worship singing and Sunday school Bible lesson and art and craft activities.

Corporate Prayer
Every last Sunday of the month
10:45am - 12noon
Prayer puts us in touch with God and imparts God's divine power in our lives.
We invite all brothers and sisters in Christ to come and pray for countries and missions, our church and families. Let us experience the power of united prayer in our lives at our monthly prayer meetings.
We welcome your prayer requests. Please click here to submit your prayer request.
Ladies Fellowship
Wednesday 10:30am
Ladies fellowship consists of ladies who desire to study God's word, have fellowship and a time of singing Hymns to our Lord. All ladies are welcome to join.
Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree. So that the birds come and perch in its branches
- Matthew 13:33


Men & Women Fellowship
2nd & 4th Friday 7:30-9pm
The group meets at Church during school terms. MWF commence by singing songs of praise, followed by studying the Word of God through group discussion; and conclude with prayers.
We encourage everyone to join a Bible Study Group learning about God's word, fellowship and mutual care & encouragement. We praise God for His provision in our small group.
Youth & Uni Ministry (YUM)
Sunday 11am
YUM which stands for Youth and Uni Ministry invites all who are young (or young at heart) to join us in the journey to maturity in Christ Jesus.
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
- 1 Timothy 4:12

Brothers and Sisters
in Christ (BASIC)
A group of passionate and inquisitive young adults seeking God and following in his footsteps, encouraging and supporting one another together on this journey with Christ. Meeting twice a month for fellowship, bible studies and worshipping God.
2nd, 4th & 5th Wednesday 7:30-9:30pm
It is the mission of Perth Chinese Christian Church South Branch (Parkwood) English Congregation to be a Christ-centered community where all are cared for, nurtured and supported physically, mentally and spiritually. We are committed to ensuring the safety, wellbeing, and protection of all children who participate in our ministries.
We praise God for the privileges and responsibilities as partners and shapers of these young lives for the extension of His Kingdom. We seek to provide a place of nurturing, learning, and community, and we aim to create an environment where children are valued, supported, and safe from harm where they can encounter God, develop relationships as part of a Christian community, and grow in faith.